.. _sync-flow: How Sync Works ============== This documents tries to describe what happens after you run: .. code-block:: console $ ciruela sync --append=local-dir:/remote/dir cluster.example.org This might look easy: just upload all the files to all the machines, but it's not so simple. Here is a non-comprehensive list of complexities: 1. We don't want to upload to all machines, because it's inefficient 2. But we want status of all uploads on all servers to be delivered to the client running ``sync`` anyway 3. Not all directories are accepted on all nodes, we want single entrypoint hostname for all of them anyway 4. Connections might be interrupted and some nodes are down 5. Download acks can be lost (see point above) and dir might already be there even when starting sync 6. Nodes don't have persistent connections between each other too, for efficiency (0) Indexing ------------ Some offline preparation is done: scan specified directory and make an "index" of it. Index is a file that contains list of paths and hashsums of the file contents. (1) Direct Connections ---------------------- First ciruela resolves ``cluster.example.org`` and chooses a random sample of up to **three** [1]_ individual IP addresses to connect to. On each direct connection client firstly sends :ref:`PublishImage` then either :ref:`AppendDir` or :ref:`ReplaceDir` request. Upon receiving request ciruela (daemon) does the following things: 1. Checks if this directory is configured on this server 2. Checks whether path exists and it's id matches request, if both are false rejects AppendDir command 3. Checks whether signature matches any of accepted keys for that directory 4. Registers that this image should be downloaded to this path On the failure path of (1) server returns a list of hosts where to connect to. Client establishes new connections and repeats a cycle of :ref:`PublishImage` and :ref:`AppendDir` to few of the specified hosts so that number of connections to hosts which accepted directory are three. The :ref:`PublishImage` call does two things: 1. Registers client as a "source" of the image, so that server knows where to fetch this image from [2]_ 2. Also server marks that this client is "watching" the download progress for this image (so that completion notifications are delivered here later) .. [1] Can be configured in configured__. In future, we might add a command-line parameter too .. [2] We don't send actual image in AppendDir/ReplaceDir call because it's expected that either image's index or some blocks of the actual data can exist on the destination host __ https://docs.rs/ciruela/0.5.12/ciruela/cluster/struct.Config.html#method.initial_connections (2) Download Process -------------------- The initial :ref:`AppendDir` / :ref:`ReplaceDir` kicks off the whole cluster synchronization process. 1. Right after registration initial node sends "download progress" message to few random nodes (with 0 progress at this point) [3]_ 2. Then ciruela computes hash of the parent directory of the uploaded path and sends that hash to few random nodes [3]_ 3. Each node (including first ones) starts the download from fetching index (if not already cached here) 4. Then server looks in several folders in the same dir of whether there are files which are exactly like ones being downloaded, if there are, it hardlinks all such files in the new directory. 5. Then it starts to download blocks (the actual file data) Each index and block download works approximately by the following agorithm: 1. TBD .. [3] These two messages serve different purpose. The "download progress" message is to find out where blocks of the image are already avaialable, so we can fetch them from that host. And hash of the parent directory is used to initiate downloads. (TBD)